Continuing on with the Geode display area, for earlier details check out these posts- Part 1 and Part 2
Clearing the Geode Area
With the main area excavated we cleared back 3 blocks from the edges of the geode on all sides. To speed up the mining and also get extra Moss blocks I placed moss around the base of the geode and used bonemeal to make it spread. The moss blocks break easily and I’d rather have an extra chest of Moss than diorite/granite.
If you haven’t found moss yet in the Minecraft 1.17 Update check out all of the Wandering Traders that you can find. All you need is 1 and they can be farmed easily with bonemeal and you get the Moss Carpet, Azaleas, and Flowering Azaleas at the same time.

Geode Walls
My kids helped to clear out the area but I decided to surprise my daughter by expanding it and adding a walkway around the geode instead of the simple stone wall surrounding it. I experimented with several different wall blocks but finally decided on a clean and simple design. This way it doesn’t distract from the geode.

The River
Since the geode was partially in the river the new display area cuts right through it. To keep it looking nice I dug out a new section for the river to flow through and filled in the section that went into the display area.

Finishing the Display
To finish the display it needed a roof. Sticking with the simple idea copper blocks going across the top act as beams and the rest is filled with glass. Shroomlights under the beams and lanterns on top of the geode keep mobs from spawning there.

With the roof wrapped up it’s about ready to show off. I have a feeling she is going to like it. We’ll add the details together later on and add an update when those are ready. Thank you for coming by and hope this gives you some ideas for your own geodes.