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Upgrading the Woodland Mansion with Deepslate!

This started as a simple “I wonder what this would look like” and just grew into a full mansion makeover. With the Minecraft 1.17 release Deepslate became one of my favorite blocks to use. With the rail tunnels upgraded I started swapping some of the cobblestone on the mansion to deepslate to see how it would look. After a few different patterns I decided on using the bricks for the main ledges and walls, with deepslate tile walls for the accents.

Changing out the Cobblestone to Deepslate Bricks
On large projects scaffolding is your best friend.
Upgrading the “Upgraded” Mansion entrance area.

Woodland Mansion Wall

After getting the majority of the mansion updated we added an extended wall along the side. This gives an area to walk or “Patrol” along and gave it more of a castle style look.

Adding a Tower to the Mansion

Just when I thought it was done my daughter came up with the idea of adding a tower. Since we had already started on the path to a castle look with the wall we started adding the tower to the back corner.

Adding the tower to the Mansion.
Full view of the tower

Final version of the Deepslate Mansion

After getting the tower finished here is the finished Woodland Mansion upgrade. There’s a gallery below of other images that have links to larger versions as well.

Completed Deepslate Mansion