Welcome back to our Minecraft Mansion Survival world. The Nether portal finally has it’s big upgrade completed. I’ve been using the Nether Portal a ton to gather materials for several upcoming builds. I’m also starting our Nether Hub and can’t keep going through this old ugly thing.

Nether Portal Build
Blackstone is one of my favorite blocks from the Nether update. Quartz has always been nice for accenting different builds. I also wanted to use some of the Crimson Stem on this build simply because I haven’t used it for anything like this before. I had a few ideas already but wasn’t positive so I brought extra blocks to experiment with.
I also wanted to widen it out to 5 blocks wide by 4 blocks tall to give it more presence since it’s right by the front of the mansion.
Here’s the completed portal build with some gold added for accent blocks. The gilded blackstone we found in the bastion worked great to break up the texture of the blackstone without being too much gold.

Lighting the Portal
I placed lighting under several slabs and stairs to keep the entire portal area lit up since I do not plan to enclose it. A few animals wondering through is fine, but I definitely do not want a creeper in the Nether Hub.

Pathway to the Portal
The next part of the build took awhile to get back to but it’s finally finished. The path over to the Mansion base is done and turned out great. Some bonemeal around the area and mossy slabs with lights underneath keep the entire area lighted at night and prevents mobs from spawning.

For the river side a stack of sea pickles spread around the area worked out perfect.

All Done!
Here’s some different views of the completed portal.