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Keep on the Borderlands

The Keep on the Borderlands Progress (P1)

The main Keep

The Keep is progressing well so far. I went through several variations of blocks and wall designs before settling on a deepslate, spruce, and stone combo. Right now it is an empty shell laid out to roughly the correct scale from the adventure module. It is floating up in the air right now since this area needs to be higher than the outer keep. I’ll worry about the terrain much later. Most images I’ve seen of the keep usually use a combination of round and square towers but I am going to stick with mostly square with wall blocks and fencing to add depth to the corner areas. While some round towers in Minecraft look great they are usually larger diameter and it just wasn’t fitting what I wanted for the build.

Tower on the main Keep build.

Outer Keep area

Before I got too carried away with the main keep I wanted to get the overall area laid out so I can plan the walls and tower locations. I used the map for the town (soon to be village) area to do outlines for the main buildings. I tweaked the locations some to add more room between the buildings for better paths. I may adjust more as I do the buildings depending on layout and aesthetics. The green and brown wool is there for spacing between the buildings when I add paths later.

Layout of the outer keep.

The location I picked luckily has a plains village nearby, which will make it much easier to populate the keep when it is ready. I also plan to update the village buildings and add a few more to the area.

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