In the Beginning…
Welcome to the kickoff of our new survival world. In this series we will be converting a Woodland Mansion into a large base and build a kingdom. There are several villages we will be linking up and even building new ones with farms as well. We have some interesting plans that will get covered in an upcoming post. For now let’s get started on securing a safe place to craft and sleep then start exploring the Mansion.
The Essentials
Just like when we start any new world there’s the normal priorities. Wood, Wool/Food, Coal, and Iron. When I first start a world the kids will usually run around and gather wood while searching for animals. They stay relatively nearby (we play in Normal mode) so I can help if they fall in a deep cave or get surrounded.
After they log off I’ll spend some time stockpiling extra wood, cobblestone, and food so that the next time we login we can go straight to caving. This keeps them from hitting that initial wall of boredom and wanting to switch over to a creative world. I also crafted a bed so that I can sleep to turn it to day before logging off.
Time to go Caving
With the wood and cobblestone already gathered we are able to craft up our stone swords and pickaxes. Next we made a few torches from the coal we found near the entrance of the cave between the mansion and the zombie village.

Equipped with the basics we headed farther into the cave and right away found some iron. Of course it’s guarded by a spider that looked like he was hanging out waiting to drop on the first player to enter. Jaxson and Savannah took it down quick and luckily he wanted the spider eye and she wanted the string so no arguments over the loot!

Heading further into the cave we scored two large deposits of coal and another iron deposit. Knowing that we will be headed to the mansion soon I was more excited about the coal than the iron for once. It takes a lot of torches to light up a Woodland Mansion.
Starting our Base
Armed with enough iron to make 3 swords and 1 pickax we headed back to the surface to build the furnace. We’ll do this right in the entrance of the mansion. Watch carefully at the entrance, it can look empty but be dark enough mobs can be in the corners or behind the stairs.

There’s several different methods for clearing a mansion but one common thing is you need a safe place to start from. We used the dark oak and threw fences up on each side of the entrance and across the stairs above us. This blocks the Illagers from wondering in and also allows us to easily hit them from behind the fence if they do come up close.

With the area secured we bring in the crafting table and setup the furnace to start smelting. This was far enough for the night so we’ll start organizing our base camp next time.
If you interested in why we chose this world checkout the Woodland Mansion Survival page here. I’ll be adding some of the highlights of the world there as we find them along with keeping the most recent posts listed there.
I’m going to be experimenting quite a bit as we catch this series up to date with different images, post types, and videos so please let me know what works best for everyone. I really appreciate any and all feedback.
Thanks for stopping by and checking out our adventures.