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Starting the Castle on the SMP – Survival Kingdoms

Castle Setup

With the nether portal back to the original base for fast travel and materials gathered, it’s time to start the castle. The mangrove wood Minecraft added for 1.19 has a great color that really goes well with deepslate so I’ll be using that for the walls. First survival build with mangrove coming up.

Foundations Laid

Since I had already tested the rough design in a creative world I started laying out the floor plan and wall foundations. I knew I’d be using a ton of wood so I started a growing several trees off to the side of the build. They grow while I build so it makes it easy to run over and grab more, plant the saplings, then get back to building.

Deepslate and mangrove wood walls for a castle
Minecraft deepslate and mangrove castle layout

Walls Up

With the layout done I just go along the perimeter adding blocks in a pattern to build up the walls. I’m doing the front two walls first, that way if I need to adjust the floor layout I just extend them before building the back walls.

Full walls up with stone accents
Walls are going up and materials ready

Interior Staircase

With the corner walls setup I went ahead and built a spiral staircase to access the top of the walls. I wanted to test out how it fit and worked before getting to far into the build. Works great and will give me access to a mezzanine level and the roof sections.

Spiral staircase using slabs for the castle tower
Simple spiral staircase


I wanted to keep a light color floor without going super bright so I stuck with the andesite from the perimeter area. I may add more accents or carpet later when the interior is done.

Castle interior walls
Interior walls and flooring going in

That’s the progress for today, planning to finish out the walls and towers tomorrow and will get those posted up. Thank you to everyone that checks these out, I appreciate it and hope you get some use and inspiration from it.