Setting up the New Base – Minecraft Survival Kingdoms SMP

Gathering Materials

Let me just say one thing, farming Mangrove woods sucks! The roots are a pain and sometimes the propagule just flat will not grow. I used a stack of bonemeal on one with nothing within 10 blocks and it still wouldn’t grow. Just break it and put it back down a few times and then it will grow.

Mangrove trees can be difficult to chop down for the amount of logs you get.

Luckily I have plenty of deepslate already stockpiled from diamond mining at the starter base. Since the new base is around 2000 blocks from the original it’s time to build a nether tunnel. For long distance travel I prefer to dig down in the nether and tunnel to the correct coordinates then build another gate. You travel 8 times faster that way and have the chance of finding ancient debris while digging as a bonus.

Tunnel Digging through the Nether

So if you’re not familiar with linking Minecraft portals through the nether each block in the overworld equals 8 blocks in the nether. So your 0, 0 coordinate will be the same in both but 100,100 in the overworld is 800,800 in the Nether. So by going through the nether I only have to go out to coordinate 250 instead of 2000.

Coordinates – If you’re new to using the coordinates the first and last numbers are what matter for this. Think of them as your longitude and latitude, the middle number is your elevation. The elevation between nether and overworld doesn’t change by the factor of 8 like the others.

To layout your travel tunnel find the coordinate in the overworld that you want your new portal to come out at. For simplicity I’ll round mine to -2000,-80. So in the nether I will dig to -250,-10 and build a new gate. Netherack is easy to dig through, just watch for lava. Keep a block ready in your hot bar to switch to and block off lava quickly. Leave your best equipment at home just in case, netherack cuts like butter anyway.

Quick nether portal, may not look great but it’s functional and saves ~1750 blocks of walking.

New portal location

Now I assumed the new portal would be down in a cave so I brought the ladders I would need to dig up to the surface. What I did not expect was to hop out of the Nether right into the Deep Dark. I explored out a little ways, found a shrieker, and decided it was time to head to the surface before the Warden killed me. I didn’t see anything that looked like an Ancient City would be near but will explore more later on.

Bit of a surprise to hop out of a portal into the Deep Dark

New Friends

I even managed to find some new friends when I made it to the surface. With a donkey, a horse, and two golden carrots I now have a Mule! This will be handy for transporting items when he’s big enough to put a chest on. So the camp site is set up, castle planned, nether portal connected, and chests full of meterials gathered. Pretty good start so far and will start the castle next.

New friends to help move, just in time.