Using Elytra Launchers
Elytra launchers can be a life saver just on their own but are even better when playing with kids. On a PC getting a jump launch isn’t too hard but for a kid it can be a little difficult. If they are playing the mobile edition of Minecraft on a tablet or phone it can be extremely hard to get launched. With these simple cobweb and stair designs they can just drop into the web, hit the jump button, and then use a rocket to easily launch. My son’s favorite thing is to jump into the cob web and let his elytra wings flap as he sinks down, which is pretty entertaining to watch.

Setting up an Elytra Launcher
You can always just have a single stair block with the cobweb to drop into but that can look pretty basic. Here are a few different designs we’ve used in different areas. I like to scatter them along areas we travel frequently as well to give a boost when needed.

Double Elytra Launcher
While this isn’t required it’s fun to have multiple cobweb drop areas allowing multiple people to launch at the same time. Many times when we are going on a longer journey my kids will follow me as we fly. With the lower render distance since Minecraft did the 1.18 update we have to stick close together and taking turns to launch can delay or get someone lost. So after a few disasters we made a wider version with two cobwebs to allow multiple launches.

If you haven’t built one of these before give it a try, they are simple and quite helpful. For more advanced designs you can check out Silent Whispers video on youtube, he has several different ones in this video.
I personally never built one but now I kinda want to 😅
I like the design and how simple they work 👌
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