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Mansion Storage Room & Silo Upgrades

Time to finish up the storage room expansion in our Minecraft survival world. This has been in progress for awhile to get the silos set up and then slowly move all of our items into the new chests. The old storage area and warehouse functioned well but with 1.17 coming out I knew we would need more room for the new items and blocks.

Treasure Area Layout

The treasure chests are laid out in aisles with the chests stacked on trap doors. At the top of each section there are barrels for overflow storage. The items are organized by aisle ranging from the main construction type blocks, potion ingredients, tools and weapons, to plants and food.

Food aisle in our Mansion world storage room.

The ends of each aisle have additional barrels for more special items such as rockets, emeralds, scaffolding and other items that do not need full double chests. Crafting tables are at the base of each aisle on both ends for easy access.

End of aisle in the storage room with barrels for special items and crafting tables in the floor.

Bulk Storage Silos

The Silo storage system is setup on the rear wall with redstone lamp indicators to show how many chests are full. There are some more compact designs on YouTube but this layout has worked well for me and holds plenty with the double chests hidden behind the wall. It’s much nicer than having several chests of the same item in the main storage area. That works well for early game but as you get further into your Minecraft world it can start to get pretty cramped.

Took awhile to bring all the items over and fill the silos but they are very much worth the effort.
The comparators power the wall block beside the redstone lamp to mark which chests are full.

Future Plans

There’s still room for expansion and details to be added so there will be another post in the future. All kinds of other things could be done with storage rooms such as item sorters, potion brewers, automatic smelting and more. That’s all I’ve got for today but check back next week, a big Mansion upgrade is just getting started 😉