Where to put crafting stations?
In the castle build for the Minecraft Survival Kingdoms SMP I had the crafting table and stone cutter just stacked in the middle of the storage room while building up the interior. For the long term I like to either have areas that are designed around the crafting station or to hide them in the build. For the castle I decided to hide them in the build using a map table. It’s usually best to have the stations near your chests or storage areas for easy access so this one is in the middle of the chest room.
Map Tables and Walls
Maps can be placed in an item frame for display on vertical walls or also flat on floors or table designs. With a map placed in the item frame it will fill to a full block covering the edges as well. For this build I am using the item frames on top of the crafting stations (with stair blocks filling the blank spots) to hide the crafting station from view.

Accessing the Stations
The work stations are accessed through the trap doors used to make the sides of the table. By sneak placing them on the bottom half of the crafting station the door will swing down giving easy access to the various stations.

Depending on which stations you plan to use the table can be adjusted in size to fit them in. For this one I am using a crafting table, blacksmith table, grindstone, loom, anvil, and stone cutter. A cartographers station could also go here, I just didn’t think of it when building it. I think I will add that to the end by the candles.

With the doors closed it goes back to just being a map table showing the area around the castle. If you have a map display of your area already then treasure maps and explorer maps bought from cartographers can also look great for this. In the Adventurer Hall on our mansion world we placed several of those around as decorations to give it the look of a tavern for adventurers.

I hope this comes in handy for building out your crafting areas, and if you have more ideas please feel free to share them! The more the merrier 🙂
- How to Hide Crafting Stations – Survival Kingdoms SMPWhere to put crafting stations? In the castle build for the Minecraft Survival Kingdoms SMP I had the crafting table and stone cutter just stacked in the middle of the storage room while building up… Read more: How to Hide Crafting Stations – Survival Kingdoms SMP
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