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Building a Pumpkin and Melon Farm in our Woodland Mansion Base (P7)

To start leveling up some of our villagers we decided to convert a room to a pumpkin and watermelon farm.  The height of the floors in the mansion allows us to make it 2 floors with melons on the bottom and pumpkins at the top. Pumpkins have a ton of uses and melons are a great later game trade.

Setting up the Farm

To set up the farm we chose the fenced checkerboard room next to the entrance and opened it up by removing the fences and logs. Next, we tore out the floor just like our entrance and replaced it with slabs lit from below. While doing this I hid the water source under the wall blocks on each side to hydrate the melons.

The item frames hold a silk touch diamond axe for harvesting the melons and a regular iron axe for the pumpkins. We also keep a pair of shears in the pumpkin area above for carving the pumpkins before harvesting.  The wood blocks you can see above the melons are there to hold the water for the pumpkin farm level since I did not want to place it in the wall like the melon water source.

With the tools handy right in the farm my daughter and I both stop by occasionally and harvest the melons and pumpkins and drop them in the chest by the entrance. When once of us makes a trip out to the village we swing in and grab the pumpkins and melons and trade them while we are there and keep the emeralds in a chest at the village. This works great for when you are short a few emeralds and need to trade with a villager or wandering trader.

That covers our basic farm, I’ll be digging a basement area for a larger melon farm soon and we have plans to make an automatic pumpkin farm at the back of the mansion as well. See you next time.